Scooters, traffic, parking, and oil consumption

Today's New York Times has an interesting full page adverstiement from the Piaggio Group, the company the manufactures Vespa scooters. The ad listed some environmental benefits of scooters (reduced fuel consumption, reduced emissions of carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide). Boston could consider how it might make Boston more friendly to people riding scooters, bicycles, and people who use car sharing programs like Zipcar. In addition to being cheaper than owning a car, all of these options would reduce parking shortages in our neighborhoods and scooters and bicycles would reduce traffic congestion too. If the demand for on-street parking was reduced fewer people might want to pave and park in their front yards. Can Boston install more bike racks, places to lock scooters, encourage Zipcars at more locations, and build more bike lanes or otherwise design roads better for things other than cars?


  1. Anonymous6:52 PM

    I actually just started working with a local organization that is aimed at doing just that called LivableStreets ( One of the main goals of the organization is to improve the infrastructure of Boston to make it more appealing and safer for non-auto forms of transportation, including bicycles and pedestrians.

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