Panel discussion from Worcester's University Park Campus School

Here is video from the trip organized by the Allston Brighton CDC in January to learn about the relationship between Clark University and its Worcester neighbors. People speaking are Jack Foley of Clark and the principal and teachers of the University Park Campus School.


  1. Anonymous8:54 PM

    You could have gone to the MATCH Public Charter High school on comm ave in Brighton for This information. And found out how MIT started this school. And how Boston University lets the Senior class participate in classes for extra credit with no charge to the student, or to there Family. jimmy....

  2. There are certainly great local examples of university partnerships with public and charter schools. One of the things that makes the Clark/Worcester relationship special is its comprehensive nature. They are not just working together on education but also to create new housing and revitalize the entire community.

    The video from our visit to the Main South CDC is not so good, but they have an interesting description of their relationship with Clark on their website
