"Great Appliance Exchange" not so great

What they say:

Patrick-Murray Administration Will Launch "Mass Save Great Appliance Exchange" Thursday, April 22
Starting at 10 a.m. tomorrow, Earth Day, federal stimulus-funded rebate program will reward consumers who trade energy-guzzling appliances for new, super-efficient models

What really happens:

Website (http://masssave.com/residential) hasn't worked since 9:45. Gives error:

403 - Forbidden: Access is denied.
You do not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials that you supplied
Phone # (877-MA-SWAP-1) is constantly busy


  1. Anonymous1:21 PM

    Same here... so much for those rebates. I called the number for an hour straight and tried to load the wbesite many times, with no luck.

  2. Site crashed. You had to go to www.maswap1.com

  3. Oops! Internet Explorer could not connect to www.maswap1.com

  4. Anonymous7:43 AM

    I got mine though it was difficult. I used the alternative link www.maswap1.com. The phone was constantly busy, and the "regular" first page went down about 10 minutes before it opened. Blanca
