Harvard Innovation Lab comments are online


While there is nothing particularly surprising in these letters, it is good that Environment Commissioner Bryan Glascock takes issue with the paucity of information that Harvard provided regarding its transportation and parking plans for this project. He writes:

We are concerned about several transportation issues and find some important information missing. First, we are not clear about how Zimride for intra-campus use and Zipcars located at the site will help to minimize vehicle trips. Using a personal vehicle to go from the Cambridge campus to the project site should be an infrequent occurrence. While we support making Zipcars available for the general public and for workday trips so that employees do not have to commute in single-occupant vehicles (SOV), we question the level of their TDM benefit.

No estimate of vehicle trips, the increase over existing conditions and expected mode splits are included in the IMPNF/Application and no less than 85 percent of parking spaces will be devoted to Harvard-permitted vehicles. This is a considerable percentage and may reflect the need for more comprehensive TDM and a more constrained parking supply. There is no information that suggests how the number of spaces was chosen, whether parking will be limited to those using the Innovation Lab and no indication of the locations in which those presently using the 95 spaces at One Western Avenue will park. There is also no reference to the length of time the Proponent intends to block off the 95 spaces in the parking garage.

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