Trying (in vain?) to make Allston Shine

It is hard to miss the irony of today's Boston Shines event coinciding with news that an investigation at the Brighton Public Works yard and elsewhere in the City has found that many Boston Public Works employees "routinely left work early and that managers failed to ensure basic tasks were completed."

"The 14-month investigation by the Finance Commission and private investigators uncovered rampant payroll abuses at DPW yards across the city."
The sight of a fresh layer of graffiti (painted last night, I believe) on local homes and businesses put a further damper on my enthusiasm as I headed out this morning with rake, shovel, broom, and trash bags to do my bit to clean up our neighborhood. I don't think it is a reasonable goal to think that this neighborhood might "shine", but getting rid of the most obvious litter, cigarette boxes, scratch tickets, beer bottles, and other trash is a worthwhile effort.

It was easy to fill several bags with trash just on a short loop around Cambridge St, Brighton Ave, and Harvard Ave. Not like I even came close to picking up all the trash I walked past. Some time in front of the Sports Depot cleaning the Cambridge Street sidewalk felt the most productive. The Sports Depot doesn't seem to put any effort into cleaning this area and a disgusting amount of garbage accumulates there. Passing by the same area later it was nice to see some other people continuing the cleanup there. I met an Aldie St neighbor sweeping up broken glass from the Everett St overpass. He didn't know that today was the "official" City cleanup day but said he tries to tidy up that area whenever he can. Thank you. It certainly needs it.

Menino rebukes city DPW workers - The Boston Globe
Boston DPW workers eyed faking hours face discipline -
DPW workers quit early, city says - The Boston Globe
Department of Public (no) Works -


  1. I was at my property at the 1300 block of Commonwealth Ave. (I own a condo. there that I rent out) planting a tree and picking up trash today. I was alarmed by the # of apparent drug dealers on this block. What's up with all the shady drug dealing type characters? I never see your blog talk about this - but I think it is a growing issue in Allston. One that is definitely affecting our luster.

  2. I don't spend much time on that part of Comm Ave and I don't see many "shady drug dealing type characters" north of the Pike where I spend most of my time. If I do I'll certainly write about it here.

  3. It would be nice if the Sports Depot would step-up and do what they're supposed to do, like keep their dumpster closed. Not a lot to ask, I think...

  4. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Royer lost control of the department. Menino says he was not aware of abuses. To solve the problem Menino hires Baldassari who will report to the person responsible for the problem. What is wrong with this picture?
