New Brighton Lowe's proposed

Two years ago, Lowe's proposed a 190,000 sq ft store at the site of the former Barry Controls building on Guest St between New Balance and Stop & Shop. That proposal was killed by opposition to its expected traffic impact, so now Lowe's is back with at 140,000 sq ft proposal that they claim will have "no adverse impacts".

Lowe’s has another go at it -


  1. Please no!! This would be a mess!

  2. Please yes. It will create jobs.

  3. Anonymous5:24 PM

    So would a plutonium dump create jobs. I'm amazed, if it destroyed the neighborhood, would these jobs people still favor it? If you're a local plumber or whatever, do you care? Or do you just down a case every night and forget what's going on around you?

  4. wellbasically I cannot argue with you. I could if you mad sense. First, you would not put a plutonium dump there. Secondly, the area is zoned for business. There are no homes in the area. I am not a plumber and do not drink in excess. You may not believe it but I care about the neighborhood. A Lowes will be a positive. It will clean up the area and create jobs. The traffic will not have a inpact on the residential area. I could go on but I do not think you are interested in having a logical conversation. If you are please let me know.

  5. happy, Most Lowes are near Home Depots. That is the maketing strategy of Lowes and it seems to be working.

  6. Yes, Lowe's and Home Depots are sometimes within a few miles of each other. I don't know if this is because Lowe's moves in near an existing HD, vice versa, or both.

    That may makes competitive sense for those businesses. But that doesn't necessarily make it good for the neighborhoods where they are located.

  7. Anonymous12:15 PM

    I"m interested in having a logical conversation! "It will create jobs" is not a conversation. First of all it looks to me like the Home Depot has a huge turnover of workers. Great so we're desperate enough to have a bad employer move in? As for Lowe's, I would shop there, but I'm more interested in keeping middle class families here in A.B.
    Every year the sports leagues and youth activities get smaller and smaller, because the city has no interest in making this a good place to live for people who care about their surroundings.

  8. hey John T,
    There are a great deal of homes near the site. I happen to be living with my wife and infant child in one of them.
    There are homes along N. Beacon St. There are home very close by on Hitchborn St. There are homes on Saunders, Pomeroy, Gordon, Guilford, Everett, Dustin, Etna......etc

  9. Let me see if I can answer some questions in no particular order. Lowes will not attract the kind of traffic that IKEA does. There are not enough homes in the area to create foot traffic for small businesses to survive. If you want I can go into detail how businesses decide where to rely on foot traffic.
    Exceot for Hichborn, the other streets are not close enough to be affected by traffic. Some are one way and others are do not appear to be a good route to take to get to Lowes.
    Home Depot has turnover because it has some entry level jobs not because it is a bad employer.
    Brighton is a good place to live. Young people are leaving because of the schools not because of the surroundings.

  10. happy, That is a text book response. How do you create all that in a finite amount of available space?

  11. Happy,
    While I'm concerned about small local businesses, (I have been employed by some and patronize many) I'll admit that my first concern is traffic, congestion, pollution, noise....a lot of the things people associate Allston with unfortunately. John, these are the things that get me thinking...'time to move on'. (I've lived on Allston 15 years or so.)
    And I'm not sure how a street like N.Beacon is not going to be effected. You'll either be making your way to the Loews from N. Beacon or Market st.
    It's going to take a very detailed traffic assessment to convince me that this won't add to these already congested streets.

  12. Anonymous11:12 PM

    NO. The schools I can deal with in their own way. They are run on their own twisted logic but at least purport to serve the people. The building and zoning however is done with minimal regard to quality of life. Specifically in areas of traffic, noise pollution, light pollution and pollution in general.

    Again, I am not against Lowe's out of hand, but I will stand with the locals if they oppose it. If it sounds kneejerk then the zoning board and associated politicians should look to their past ankle-grabbing posture when it comes to developers for some reasons why nobody trusts them.
