The real story on Harvard's generosity - The Boston GlobeAll this talk about the announcement helps Harvard and other universities sidestep the real questions.
Why does an institution of higher learning have $35 billion in its back pocket anyway?
Why has it become customary for universities to spend only a small fraction of their interest income - and not even the endowment funds themselves - for daily operations?
Why do American taxpayers continue to subsidize schools that increasingly operate like for-profit companies - and less like tax-exempt educational foundations that are charged with educating the next generation?
The real story on Harvard's supposed generosity
Harvard - Benjamins first, Environment second
In 1981, Harvard sold the 3,600 acre Black Rock Forest in Cornwall, NY (60 miles north of New York City and 200 miles from Boston) to William Golden, a New York investment banker and philanthropist who attended Harvard Business School for a year before leaving to work on Wall Street. Fortunately, Golden then transferred ownership of the forest to a non-profit organization to permanently preserve the forest in its natural state.
Now, 99 acres of Harvard-owned forest are potentially for sale 30 miles north of Boston in Hamilton, MA. According to the Globe, The Trustees of Reservations "are already talking about selling some of the forest - potentially to developers - to help offset the cost of the purchase."
Harvard has talked a lot about how environmentally sensitive and sustainable they are and how "green" their Allston development will be, so why can't they make a deal in Hamilton to preserve all of this forest? Couldn't Harvard afford to donate the land to the Trustees, Mass Audobon, or a similar group just as the land was donated to Harvard eighty years ago? As Puff Daddy would say, it seems to be "all about the Benjamins", which does seem odd for a $35 billion institution with such an oft-stated commitment to preserving the environment for future generations.
Preservationists, alumni fear Harvard may sell forest in Hamilton - The Boston Globe
Helping first time homebuyers in Boston and elsewhere
Prices for reasonably-sized "starter homes" have skyrocketed here in the past several years. Here's how a condominium in a Franklin St row house has tripled in value since 1997, showing that Allston's ownership affordability is certainly not what it used to be.
1997 = $140,000
2000 = $200,000
2003 = $300,000
2006 = $450,000
2007 = $475,000
A summary of Boston and other nearby programs for first-time and median-income homebuyers shows that the housing assistance in Boston is much less than what Cambridge, Newton, and Brookline provide.
For a family of four can make up to $98,900 to qualify. A Bank of America calculator suggests that with this income you could afford to buy a home in the $400,000 range. A 3% grant would be $12,000. This is approximately 1/10th of what is available in nearby communities.
For first-time homebuyers earning up to 80% of the area median income, Cambridge gives grants for as much as 6% of the cost of a home. To receive the full grant, the homebuyer must live in the home for 5 years.
For first-time homebuyers earning up to 100% of the area median income, Cambridge gives grants for up to $130,000. The homebuyer must live in the home, to long-term restrictions limiting the future resale price of the property, and have lived in Cambridge for at least one year.
Income eligible homebuyers can receive as much as $125,000 to buy a single-family home or condominium. The price of the home must be less than $365,750, the purchaser must live in the home, and other conditions apply.
A grant of up to $115,000 for people with income less than 80% of the median who are either a first-time homebuyer, or live or work in Newton.
Police make arrest related to convenience store robberies
Convenience store crook nabbed - Allston/Brighton TAB
A man believed to be involved in several armed convenience store hold-ups in Allston was arrested on outstanding warrants last week, then charged with intimidating a witness after he subsequently unleashed a series of violent threats on police.
USNews & World Report's top "service learning" colleges
Tufts and Bentley are nearby schools on this list which also includes Brown, Duke, Georgetown, Stanford, Trinity, Cal-Berkeley, Michigan, Notre Dame, and UPenn (these links are to service learning and community organizations at these schools). They give us us many examples of what enhanced partnerships with our Allston/Brighton college neighbors might be. America's Best Colleges 2008: Service learning
The chance to build a better life
While we talk about Allston/Brighton being a "middle-class" neighborhood, we also have thousands of neighbors living in poverty. In many cases, their situation is similar to our parents, grandparent, or great-grandparents who immigrated to this country in years past.
In this video, Presidential candidate John Edwards offers a message for the holiday season that is a worthwhile break from the rampant over-consumption that so often dominates our culture.
"One out of every four homeless people on our streets is a veteran. Thirty-seven million Americans live in poverty. Who speaks for them? We do.
This is the season of miracles, of faith and love. So let us promise together: You will never be forgotten again. We see you, we hear you, and we will speak for you.
In America, the chance to build a better life is a promise made to each of us, and the obligation to keep it rests with us all."
The Globe reviews Faust's first 6 months as H Prez
Faust earns high marks on leadership at Harvard - The Boston Globe
Faust, who said through a spokesman that she was unavailable for an interview, impressed department chairs at a recent meeting when she said she planned to move deliberately and consult a wide variety of faculty and others as Harvard fine-tunes its 50-year expansion plan for its Allston campus, Eck said. By comparison, Summers gave the impression that he would move quickly on Allston and not necessarily consider faculty concerns, Eck and others said.
Allston community activists said they have not seen enough of Faust to judge her. But Mayor Thomas M. Menino said he has been impressed by Faust's affable manner with Allston residents at neighborhood events.
"She has no airs about her," Menino said.
Laurence Summers and the concept of "implicit contracts"
The paper that Laurence Summers co-authored introduced the concept of the "implicit contract" between managers, employees, and other stakeholders (think generous employer-provided health insurance, pensions, lifelong employment, and other formerly sacred cows that are with us no longer). The focus was on the value of these contracts and how these contracts could be relatively easily revoked by new managers who come to power in the wake of a hostile takeover.
The relevance of all of this is the current situation with Harvard, the BRA, and the Allston/Brighton community. At this point we are operating under a giant implicit contract that tells the A/B community that some local good eventually make up for (and them some) the land-banking and mothballing that Harvard has been doing in our neighborhood for the past several years and we will collectively be much better off as a result of Harvard's presence in our community.
The North Allston Strategic Framework came close to making this contract explicit. But Harvard and the BRA have gone to great lengths to emphasize otherwise, saying "It was a framework but not a plan" and "I think that what’s happening is some people are interpreting those [guidelines] very strictly and it was never our sense, nor I think the city’s sense, that those guidelines were meant to be interpreted as explicit."
The contract in the Strategic Framework certainly has real value ("2,400to 2,800 new housing units", "a newly-'greened' Everett Street corridor", "creation of new parks, and improved existing parks", "transformation of Western Avenue into a more pedestrian-friendly neighborhood Main Street with streetscape and related improvements", "200,000 square feet of new and existing retail space", and more). And while Harvard and the BRA will never be the subjects to a hostile corporate takeover, Caldwell's phrase “I didn’t promise nothin’!” has a familiar ring to it.
So many people in the neighborhood are asking the BRA and Harvard to make this contract more explicit as part of the Cooperation Agreement for the Harvard Science Complex. Many of us have posted these comments on the Allston/Brighton North Neighbors Forum. Professor Summers, if he is still keeping tabs on the Allston situation, would probably understand our concerns.
Intimate Shopping - New York Times
The Shleifer/Summers paper, "Breach of Trust in Hostile Takeovers" is summarized as follows:"The concept of “implicit contracts” was developed in a landmark 1988 paper by the economists Andrei Shleifer and Lawrence Summers. Their subject — hostile corporate takeovers — seems far from cyberprivacy, but it is not. Shleifer and Summers showed that increases in share price following takeovers were not due to gains in efficiency, as the defenders of those buyouts claimed. There often were such gains, but they were not the source of the profits. The profits came from reneging on implicit contracts — like the tradition of overpaying older workers who had been overworked when young on the understanding that things would even out later. These contracts, because implicit, were hard to defend in court. But the assets they protected were real. To profit from them, buyout artists had only to put someone in place who could, with a straight face and a clean conscience, say, “I didn’t promise nothin’!”"
Hiring and entrenching trustworthy managers enables shareholders to commit to upholding implicit contracts with stakeholders. Hostile takeovers are an innovation allowing shareholders to renege on such contracts ex post, against managers' will. On this view, shareholder gains are redistributions from stakeholders, and can in the long run result in deterioration of trust necessary for the functioning of the corporation.
Massachusetts's need for more regional planning
Cambridge submitted comments to the State opposing the Harvard Science Complex Phase One Waiver, citing in particular "the area's transportation network, which is already at or near capacity." And Cambridge will have a representative on the State's Citizen Advisory Committee to review Harvard's expansion.
Time will tell if our other abutting communities will sit back and let Boston manage the projects or seek to get involved themselves.
Tension at the town line - The Boston Globe
"But a consistent region-wide approach requires the intervention of state government, with the force of law. The Legislature needs to get involved. It might consider reviving the Office of Commonwealth Development, an innovation of the Romney administration, and give it the power to assess the regional impact of developments and trim them down or order mitigation if they overburden the local infrastructure. Or it could vest these powers in the Executive Office of Environmental Affairs, which now is limited to project-by-project evaluations."
Letters to the Globe about BC's expansion
Closer looks at BC's expansion plans - The Boston Globe
Collegiate revenue sharing - $$$ from Harvard to State U?
Herbert A. Allen knows more than a little about extreme wealth. CEO of the investment firm Allen & Co. and a director at Coca-Cola, he is listed by Forbes as the 133rd richest American with a net worth of $2 billion and guests at his annual retreat in Sun Valley, Idaho include Bill Gates and Warren Buffett.
Today in the New York Times, Mr. Allen remarks that "there’s a particularly corrosive shift that’s taking place, one that has tremendous consequences for the development of America’s best minds: the growing gap between super-wealthy colleges and universities — and the rest of the academic world."
He write that this gap allows the rich schools to "raid poorer colleges and scoop up the best teachers" and "further separate themselves from less fortunate colleges by taking the best high school students and offering them ever richer deals."
His solution - "tax the investment income of the wealthiest colleges", pool this tax revenue, and redistribute it to schools with the lowest endowment per student. "It wouldn’t hurt Harvard to give up $1 billion or so of its gains in order to make the sharing of our intellectual wealth fairer," he claims.
As you might imagine, the comments on this article run the gamut. Regardless of the specific merits of Mr. Allen's premise, it is undeniable that the wealth of Harvard and a small # of other schools is getting more and more public attention. How will these schools react, if at all, out of generosity or desire to protect the status quo?
Berklee rethinks expansion - The Boston Globe
In the face of strong neighborhood opposition, Berklee College of Music is shelving plans for a high-rise dormitory and theater complex at the junction of Massachusetts Avenue and Boylston Street and is instead seeking to buy a parcel from a neighboring church to divide its expansion into smaller parts.
"I think they got the message," said Susan Ashbrook, a Back Bay resident and cochairwoman of a community task force that has been reviewing Berklee's preliminary plans over the past year. "It was made very clear to them they would have a fight on their hands if they built anything as big as they were floating."
State Representative Martha Walz, who represents the Back Bay and is a task force member, said the 35-story plan was "unacceptable to the Back Bay and Fenway communities."
Jackie Yessian, chairwoman of the Neighborhood Association of the Back Bay, praised the college for heeding neighborhood concerns and exploring alternatives to the high-rise plan. "They are trying really hard to meet their needs and ours as well," she said.
Columbia Expansion Gets Green Light
The university plans a $7 billion project over the next 25 years that will transform a section of Upper Manhattan now dominated by warehouses and auto body shops into a campus with glass-walled high-rise buildings, tree-lined thoroughfares and student dormitories.
It plans to provide open space for the community and the university and a permanent site for the new, university-assisted public secondary school for math, science and engineering.
The community benefits agreement that was completed Tuesday night calls for Columbia to grant $150 million to residents of the area during the next 12 years.
Of that sum:
$76 million would go into a flexible benefit fund to be overseen by a committee of community and Columbia representatives
$50 million would be dedicated to in-kind services, including $30 million toward a school for kindergarten through eighth grade
$20 million would be set aside for a housing fund
$4 million would go toward legal services to help those displaced by the development.
Globe editorial on Charlesview & Barry's Corner
Some thoughts on what the Globe wrote:
"The Boston Redevelopment Authority will review the projects, with plenty of neighborhood input."
- Hopefully that input will be considered as important during the process of reviewing and improving the project. Because what is the point of review if the project emerges from the review essentially unchanged (as we experienced this year with community "review" of Harvard's Science Complex). It would be great for the Mayor say about development in Allston what he said about a project in Readville a few months ago:
"Some of the neighbors would prefer to see the low-income housing spread out, rather then concentrated in one place. But would Charlesview residents want to be scattered about the neighborhood? A straight land swap seems simplest.""It's serious density... We want to make sure it's a well-planned neighborhood that is put together in concert with the people who live in the neighborhood. Some of them have lived there for 75 years or more."
- Since when does "simplest" equal "best"?
- What I have heard neighbors suggest is that this should be a true "mixed-income" development that follows industry best practices by having 1/3 market rate, 1/3 public housing, and 1/3 subsidized affordable housing. The current proposal is less than 1/3 market rate and it seems most of the market rate units will be across the street in the tower overlooking the river instead of integrated with the rest of the development.
Harvard's Nicolas Retsinas and Kent Colton know more than a little about housing policy, and here is what they wrote in "Our Communities, Our Homes", a new book co-authored with former HUD Secretaries Henry Cisneros and Jack Kemp:
"A series of class-action lawsuits starting in the late 1960's launched a national conversation about the failures of a public housing system that isolated poor, predominately African-American families in communities wracked by intergenerational poverty and lawlessness. The lawsuits were fought and won on the argument that economic and racial segregation is bad for families and, when government sponsored, violates their civil rights.
The desire to reduce the concentration of poverty and new federal policies have led authorities nationwide to create new, mixed-income communities and scatter subsidized housing regionwide."
Retsinas and Colton also dedicate a chapter of their book to the importance of housing vouchers as a "springboard for personal and economic advancement". Voucher are certainly not the simplest solution, but a lot of data and expert opinion indicate that, in the words of Retsinas and Colton:
"Improving opportunities for housing voucher holders is tough but important. Many of the approaches outlined here align with bipartisan goals of helping poor families build assets and leave welfare. Mobility and self-sufficiency services demonstrate how housing assistance can be a hand up, rather than simply a handout."
"Height is not necessarily bad, but the design has to be superb to justify it here. The BRA needs to make sure that whatever is built enhances the neighborhood."
- Absolutely
"Harvard should seek to make the [Barry's Corner] intersection a venue for town-gown mingling."
- Yes, it should. The master plan published in January did not do this. It moved a bunch of athletic facilities into Barry's Corner, proposed no changes to quiet & private Teele Hall, suggested the office/storage art building next door to Teele, and committed to little more than some "possible retail".
"An enlivened, exciting Barry's Corner will be worth the wait."
- The sooner the better. Allston and Brighton residents have already been waiting a decade to see the life return to our community that has departed since Harvard's buying spree began. Harvard already has total control over most of Barry's Corner and doesn't need to wait until Charlesview has moved to get started.
Christmas party & toy drive - Wednesday, December 19, 5:30pm to 9:30pm
Tomorrow from 5:30pm to 9:30pm there will be a Christmas Party/Toy Drive at 21 Nickels Grille at 21 Nichols Ave, Watertown (not in Allston/Brighton but Rep. Moran is part owner so the price is right). Gift ideas: board games, stuffed animals, dolls, sports or educational toys, hand-held games, remote controlled cars.
Globe editorial rips BC master plan
"A $1.6 BILLION bid by Boston College to be ‘the world’s leading Catholic university and theological center’ could add up to a 10-year headache for nearby residents in Brighton. College officials should be willing to adjust their ambitious vision if they hope to win local support and city approval for their plan...But what is good for BC is not necessarily good for its neighbors..."
If BU students can run a charitable foundation, so can we
Friday's Globe writes about the Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund and its "effort to nurture a future generation of philanthropists." Fidelity is giving $15,000 each to Boston University and four other schools and will "put the students in the role of real-life philanthropists." The students "will have a chance to form boards of directors, create donor guidelines, research prospective grant recipients, choose which nonprofits should get money and how much they should receive."
The $15,000 fund will be managed by a class of 24 BU management students and overseen by Kristen McCormack, faculty director of the public and nonprofit management program at BU's School of Management.
Fidelity program aims to nurture future philanthropists - The Boston Globe
This is a great opportunity for the BU students and leads directly to the suggestion that if students at BU can manage a charitable fund with help from Fidelity and BU, the residents of Allston and Brighton should be able to do the same thing with assistance from Harvard. Certainly Harvard knows more than enough about philanthropy, law, and governance to provide the technical support help prudently launch such an endeavour.
Harvard Business School - Institute for Strategy and Competitiveness, Strategy for Philanthropic Organizations | Harvard Global Equity Initiative - Philanthropy | Social Enterprise in Action JFK School of Government, Harvard University |
Harvard Hauser Center for Nonprofit Organizations: Philanthropy Classics Access Project | The Competitive Advantage of Corporate Philanthropy by Mark Kramer and Harvard Professor Michael Porter, winners of a 2002 McKinsey Award for outstanding work published in the Harvard Business Review that are likely to have a major influence on managers worldwide |
Brighton-Allston Heritage Museum new website/blog
Harvard ceramics sale ends Sunday
Harvard leasing update
Because reading this article causes a bit of deja vu, remembering the November 2006 Globe editorial that wrote "University officials acknowledge the problem and say they are now prepared to give businesses leases ranging in length from five to 10 years".
And back in September 2006 Harvard presented a leasing policy for Western Avenue corridor and Holton St. properties that included 5+ year leases on Western Ave.
Harvard makes moves to fill empty Allston spaces - Boston Business Journal
Harvard's Faust mischaracterized again
The Harvard Crimson :: News :: Harvard Disputes Faust Quotations in BusinessWeek Article
A Harvard official yesterday accused Business Week of “mischaracterizing” comments by University President Drew G. Faust, which suggested that less wealthy universities should leave costly scientific research to Harvard and its peers.
In the magazine’s Dec. 10 issue, reporter Anthony Bianco wrote that Faust believes “it would be wise” for “lesser universities” to shift their focus away from hard science, given the fierce competition for federal funding.
More on what Faust did or didn't say
Faust said that while there were no factual errors in the Globe’s story, it mischaracterized her approach to Allston as “a dramatic change of direction.”
Faust said that Harvard is now “moving from a phase where we were setting a big framework into a stage where we are refining those aspirations.”
“I think its natural that we consult more broadly with the...Allston community, with deans, and really make sure we have very full planning before we actually break ground on new projects,” said Harvard Provost Steven Hyman.
Boston Globe Correction: Because of a designer's error, a map accompanying a Page One story yesterday on a Harvard University expansion plan did not show properties more recently acquired by Harvard, including the 48-acre CSX rail yards and several smaller properties on Western Avenue.
Statement of Drew Faust, President, Harvard University
Our Allston properties represent a historic opportunity for both the University and the community. As we look forward, we are advancing from a high-level planning framework to a phase in which we will be making increasingly refined judgments about how to elaborate our ideas and make them real. We plan to start construction very soon on our first science complex, which will house vital new initiatives at the leading edge of discovery. We are stepping up our planning for other parts of our enterprise that we envision will make their future home in Allston, focusing on the same broad mix of uses - professional schools, the arts, science, housing, athletics, and so forth - that we identified several years ago.
We are working continually to ensure that our physical plans are driven by our most thoughtful and creative academic aspirations, not just for Allston but for the University more generally - and that we have a sound financial plan underlying them. We are intently planning for the transportation and other infrastructure improvements essential to having our extended campus thrive. And we continue to consult regularly with key constituencies, both inside and outside the University, as we move from concept toward reality. All these activities are just what one should envision for an undertaking so complex - and so extraordinarily important.
Harvard's extended campus in Allston will be built not in a day, but over decades. Our challenge at each stage will be to make progressive judgments that propel us forward while recognizing that this will be a decades-long process. Allston remains a paramount priority for me and for Harvard, and we are fully committed to making the most of it.
Jerry says goodbye
"Jerry P. McDermott, a conservative who often found himself on the losing end of debates in the Boston City Council, joked in his farewell speech today that the hardest part of leaving office was giving up his prime parking spot in Government Center.
'We mixed it up pretty good, and I had a lot of fun,' McDermott said. 'We got to be like a big dysfunctional family.'"
Faust disputes Globe story - "There is no way in which we are slowing down"
WBZ NEWSRADIO 1030 - Harvard president disputes report that she's re-thinking Allston expansion
"Allston is an enormous priority for us. It is moving along very well. The story in the Globe this morning seriously misrepresents what we are up to. What I tried to say to the reporter is that we are now in a Phase 2 which is a natural evolution...We are now involved in very detailed planning for two professional schools that are contemplating moves...
We also are preparing to file our revised master plan with the City, probably in the fall..
There is no way in which we are slowing down. We're just pursuing a thoughtful, deliberative process that has many stages, that this will take many years, and we're in a phase that is the right stage to be in. So for it to be represented as a change of course or a reversal is simply a misrepresentation."
Harvard - Maybe nothing is changing after all?
"Harvard: Allston Plans Still On Track BOSTON - December 12, 2007 - Harvard is denying a report that says the university plans to slow down and re-evaluate plans for an expansion into Allston. A university spokesman says the plans to expand into Allston remain on schedule, and that Faust's comments were misinterpreted. The Allston expansion plan may include moving undergraduate dorms to the neighborhood, as well as an art museum and a major science complex."
Thoughts on the Harvard announcement
A major victory for Allston/Brighton! - Faust decides that Harvard will look before it leaps
She said the university will take pains to consult more widely and deliberately with faculty and community members and, if necessary, revise the plan before giving the final version to the city next fall.
"She wants it done the right way. Sometimes, you rush projects," Menino said. "She wants to listen. It's just a wiser way."
"The notion that we could at the same time manage an enormous renovation of the Fogg and give our full attention to building a contemporary art museum in Allston just didn't make a lot of sense," Steven Hyman, provost, said.
"We were really rushing headlong into Allston," said Orlando Patterson, a sociology professor. "There was a strong sense of a lack of consultation. That was the major, major problem with Larry. There was a simulation of consultation, but people got the impression that the decision was already made."
Google StreetView goes live for Allston/Brighton (and the rest of Boston)
Google's acclaimed, criticized Street View feature debuts in Boston - The Boston Globe
How many straw companies does Harvard have?
Reader t.s. asks "How many straw companies does Harvard have?"
Answer: As many as it needs.
The Secretary of State has an online database that tracks all corporations registered with the state. The search form is at
Here's how Harvard did it with the purchase of the 7-11 property:
- On November 1, NORTH HARVARD STREET 204-206 LLC was created. The owner of the property, Marion Provost, was installed as the agent and trustee of the trust.
- On December 3, the corporation was changed to make Harvard Real Estate-Allston, Inc. the manager and sole member of the corporation.
- Also on December 3, NORTH HARVARD STREET 204-206 LLC was merged with Harvard Real Estate-Allston, Inc. and NORTH HARVARD STREET 204-206 LLC ceased to exist.
A summary of activity from this year shows the other mergers that Harvard Real Estate-Allston, Inc. has made with short-lived corporations.
Mergered with : TKENNEL I LLC on 8/31/2007
Mergered with : WESTERN 271 LLC on 8/31/2007
Mergered with : 445-447 WESTERN AVENUE BOSTON LLC on 8/31/2007
Mergered with : BANIMAL LLC on 8/31/2007
Mergered with : KEYSTONE CORNER LLC on 9/5/2007
Mergered with : WESTERN 271 LLC on 9/5/2007
Mergered with : 445-447 WESTERN AVENUE BOSTON LLC on 9/5/2007
Mergered with : NORTH HARVARD STREET 204-206 LLC on 12/6/2007
The Harvard Crimson reports on last night's Harvard Allston Task Force meeting
“This is a billion dollar project and it ought to come with a large infusion of support into our community,” said Harvard Allston Task Force member Brent Whelan. “Harvard has the resources to do it.”
“We’re saying why wait 10, 20, 30 years to slowly integrate benefits?” he said. “Why not really make the community revitalized quickly?” Task force member Harry Mattison also said that if planning for the school and health center didn’t begin now, he doubted that the projects would get off the ground. “There are things we can start now,” said Mattison, who is also a member of the neighborhood forum. “Instead of saying, ‘Oh, these are big and complicated, let’s wait and talk about them later,’ let’s get started. Let’s move forward.”
Harvard gets more generous
"The move announced Monday, to go into effect in the next school year, appears to make Harvard's aid to students with household incomes from $120,000 to $180,000 the most generous of any of the country's prestigious private universities.Many people have voiced a wide variety of opinions on this at
The initiative would increase financial aid spending by the university to $120 million annually from $98 million. A little more than half Harvard's students get some form of aid, including many from families earning $120,000 or more.
Under the new financial aid rules, the university said, a family making $120,000 would have to pay about $12,000 for a child to attend Harvard College, compared with more than $19,000 under current policies. A family making $180,000 would pay $18,000, down from $30,000."
The press release is available at
Becuase opportunity is so important at Harvard, a great next step would be for Harvard to at least match Boston College, who gives 10 Allston/Brighton students every year four years of free tuition to attend BC. Clark goes even further and can tell EVERY child in its Worcester neighborhood "If you are admitted to Clark, you can attend and pay no tuition." What a powerful and positive message to send!“We want all students who might dream of a Harvard education to know that it is a realistic and affordable option,” said Faust. “Education is fundamental to the future of individuals and the nation, and we are determined to do our part to restore its place as an engine of opportunity, rather than a source of financial stress. With no loans, no consideration of home equity, and a dramatic increase in grant aid, we are not tinkering at the margins, we are rebuilding the engine.
“This is a huge investment for Harvard,” Faust continued, “but there is no more important commitment we could make. Excellence and opportunity must go hand in hand.”
Another brick in the wall
Click here to see what is left for Harvard to buy.
Beyond the Book, an exhibit of book art and collage at the Honan Library
Beyond the Book exhibit is back - Allston/Brighton TAB
4 1/2 hours left to comment on the City's draft Open Space Plan
Here is what I submitted:
Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the draft of Boston’s Open Space Plan 2008-2012.
The part of Boston where I and several thousand neighbors live is drastically lacking in green and open space. As your Allston/Brighton neighborhood map shows, north of Brighton Ave there is very little open space. The City needs to aggressively add street trees, pocket parks, and larger areas of open space in this neighborhood wherever possible.
Allston/Brighton has 5 acres of protected open space per 1,000 residents. That is 33% less than the citywide ratio of 7.5 acres per 1,000 residents. North of Brighton Ave, including all of North Allston of North Brighton, there is less than even the 5/1000 ratio that exists in all of Allston/Brighton.
The Open Space plan should recognize this inequity and issue specific recommendations to create new open space to close this gap. Our situation in Allston/Brighton and other parts of Boston in a similar situation would benefit from zoning changes and specific money dedicated to land acquisition for the creation of new public parkland.
If we had sufficient open space in this neighborhood, new housing development that adds 100 residents could include ¾ of an acre of open space to maintain an acceptable ratio. But because of our current deficit, a much higher ratio is needed to accommodate new and existing residents. It might be that 1.5 acres of open space should be created for every new 100 people that development brings to this community. Specific guidelines are needed in the final version of the Open Space Plan.
Non-traditional areas such as traffic medians and other small patches of land should also be greened. The Cambridge Street median in the Windom Street area and various traffic islands and neglected patches have potential to help transform the public realm by using land that otherwise sits idle.
Street trees are mentioned only once in the Allston/Brighton draft plan where it suggests “planting more street trees along Warren and Washington Streets.” We need more street trees all over Allston and Brighton both on major roads like Harvard Ave, Brighton Ave, North Harvard St and on residential side streets.
There have also been several large and healthy trees on private property cut down recently. The City should stop this trend and the paving of front, back, and side yards with asphalt and concrete to either create parking spaces or reduce maintenance. Cumulatively, these actions have a negative effect on the environment and visually degrade the public realm that we experience at street level.
The 2005 North Allston strategic Framework identified a goal of creating "small parks throughout the neighborhood." Unfortunately, no progress has been made toward this goal and several empty lots that could have become these small parks have recently been developed. Some opportunities still remain and the City's Open Space Plan should advocate swift and precise action to identify and obtain these properties so they can be converted into public open space. Specific suggestions can be found in the "North Allston Open Space and Public Realm Greening Plan" presented in September 2006 to the BRA and Harvard Allston Task Force.
The draft plan states "Preserve the parkway landscape character of Soldiers Field Road/Storrow Drive through zoning setbacks and height limitations for properties along their edge." Boston University is building sky-rise dormitories along Storrow Drive and a 10-story building is proposed along Soldiers Field Road as part of the Charlesview relocation. Please include in your final plan specific guidance on height limits that should be set or what process will be used to determine these limits.
The paragraph on page 7 that begins "Work with Harvard University to create more community benefits" should be more specific and results-oriented. It is great to “urge the provision of open space amenities in future developments on Harvard University land” and to "work with Harvard", but what benefits and amenities does the City hope to achieve and what means will the City use to achieve the desired result? It would also be appropriate for the Plan to comment on the open space programming of the Harvard Science Complex project and compare that with open space outcomes that the City would hope to see in future projects.
The City in its Open Space Plan should re-affirm its commitment made in the North Allston Strategic Framework to create significant public open space as an integral part of Harvard's development in Allston. The street layout and configuration of buildings and open space endorsed by the City in the North Allston Strategic Framework is very different than the courtyard configuration of Harvard's Science Complex. The Open Space Plan should assert that open space publicly visible, accessible, and welcoming is preferable to institutional buildings surrounding the open space on all four sides.
The draft plan states "The new master plan for the Charles River Reservation will present future opportunities to improve access to this important facility." What "new master plan" is this? There is a 2002 master plan for the Charles but this plan is not "new" and it seems that little or nothing has been done to implement its recommendations. If the City can encourage and support progress towards meeting the goals of this plan it would be a wonderful improvement to the river.
Boston’s 2002-2006 Open Space Plan identified an opportunity to “develop an Allston greening plan… Improvements to the Massachusetts Turnpike right-of-way, particularly along Lincoln Street, need to be made to reduce noise and screen the highway from view.” The draft 2008-2012 plan makes almost the exact same recommendation, and many of the other “new” recommendations are virtually the same as those in the plan written 5 years ago. What progress has been made on since 2002? The new plan should look back to all recommendations made in the previous plan, discuss to what extent goals were met, and how future actions will ensure that any remaining unmet goals are achieved.
Finally, please improve the outreach when soliciting public comment on future open space plans and other planning projects. Many people only learned of today’s deadline from a story in last week’s Boston Globe. With some creativity and communication the voices of the thousands of park users in Boston could be heard to create a more complete and representative plan.
Harry Mattison
Harvard's bold claim - Allston/Brighton was "kept informed" about Charlesview
In this story in today's Globe, Harvard has the nerve to defend how it has interacted with the community as it has negotiated with Charlesview:
"Harvard officials say that neighbors have been kept informed during the process...Kevin McCluskey, Harvard's director of community relations, said the university had kept community members updated "on a fairly regular basis.""Did Harvard meaningfully inform and update the Allston/Brighton community? Absolutely not.
The typical response from Harvard was "our update is we have no update", "we are still working on it", or the negotiations are "a discussion between two private parties." So yes, they did provide vague "mind your own business" updates that in no way invited the community into discussion what type of development would be welcomed by abutters on Litchfield & Holton Streets and residents the rest of the neighborhood.
Now The Community Builders (who claim to have some aptitude in community involvement such as on the project where "in consultation with local stakeholders, TCB developed a comprehensive 20-year vision for the neighborhood") are on the verge of submitting their proposal to the BRA. Thankfully we can stop having to ask Harvard about this major land transaction and development in our neighborhood. Maybe a more inclusive and collaborative process can result that considers the needs and interests of the whole community. It can't get much worse.
Below are excerpts from Harvard Task Force meetings where Charlesview was mentioned. (These excerpts don't include the last 3 months of Task Force meetings because the BRA has not published minutes for those meetings.).
January 26, 2006
Michael Hanlon inquired whether Harvard is giving itself a deadline to settle the Charlesview negotiations. Kathy answered that Harvard does not have a deadline.
March 1, 2006
Harvard has offered the Charlesview Board of Directors a portion of the University-owned property in the Brighton Mills Shopping Center--currently leased to K-Mart--as a possible site for the relocation of the Charlesview Apartments. As a meeting has been scheduled for Thursday night (March 2nd) with the abutters of the Brighton Mills property to discuss this proposal, Kathy wanted the members of the Task Force to be aware of the offer before it receives any further publicity.
Members of the Task Force raised several questions about the Brighton Mills site offer and the potential relocation of Charlesview: What is the process for Charlesview’s decision-making? What will happen to the remaining commercial portions of Brighton Mills if Charlesview occupies the K-Mart site? What will be the density and height of the new Charlesview buildings? Are special zoning approvals and/or variances needed? Will the Task Force have a role in reviewing the proposed relocation and the new construction? Will Harvard play an active role in the development of the new Charlesview buildings? What if Charlesview accepts Harvard’s site offer, but then is unable to secure the necessary zoning approvals? What are the tax-base implications of replacing a business such as K-Mart with the Charlesview housing? How soon is Charlesview expected to respond to Harvard’s offer?
Kathy stated that it is too early in the process to have definitive answers to many of these questions, but that there would be further opportunity for questions and additional discussion with the Task Force on this topic if and when Charlesview responds positively to Harvard’s offer.
March 13, 2006
Ray asked for an update on the negotiations between Charlesview and Harvard. Kevin McCluskey replied that Harvard has offered a swap of five acres of land at the University-owned Brighton Mills Shopping Center in exchange for the site of the Charlesview Apartments. The Charlesview Board sent the proposal to the Charlesview Development Committee and Kevin assumes that they are working on a response back to Harvard. Kevin said that the Shaw’s building will remain under lease and that the University recognizes that Shaw’s is a valuable service provider for the community. Ray referred to the meeting minutes from the March 1st meeting and asked whether there were any new answers to a lot of the procedural questions that were raised, such as whether the Task Force will have a role in the review and approvals process for the new Charlesview building if the deal is accepted. Gerald Autler responded that this issue is going to come up in a number of ways and it is going to be a balancing act to determine what role the Task Force will play. The Task Force is charged with reviewing Harvard’s Institutional Master Plan and it is important for the Task Force to stay focused.
John Bruno said that Charlesview may want to increase the number of units for the complex and that this would dictate the massing and density. John felt the Task Force should be involved in such a change in consideration of the current neighbors of Brighton Mills.
April 26, 2006
Mike asked if there was anything new to report with regard to the Charlesview negotiations, and Kathy replied that there were no updates to report at this time.
July 26, 2006
Ray Mellone: I think Harvard needs to solve the Charlesview negotiations. Harvard should offer Charlesview empty tenant locations on Soldier’s Field Road toward the river. This is what a lot of residents have asked for and it will improve their quality of life. The Brighton Mills shopping center doesn’t meet that demand.
Kathy Spiegelman: We’re pretty far down the road into the negotiations with Charlesview and Harvard is committed to making it work. There may be opportunities for other housing across Western Avenue.
August 14, 2006
Ray Mellone asked for an update on the Charlesview negotiations. Kevin McCluskey said that Harvard and the Charlesview Board continue to make progress in their discussions and the status of Harvard’s negotiations with Charlesview shouldn’t be characterized as a stalemate.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Audience member: What is the status of the Charlesview negotiations?
Kathy Spiegelman: The Charlesview board and Harvard signed a Letter of Intent in 2006. We’re working hard on a purchase and sales agreement. We hope this will be finalized in the next 30-60 days.
BRA's draft Cooperation Agreement for the Harvard Science Complex
There's plenty of nice sounding language like "Harvard will work diligently with the BRA" and "Harvard will work cooperatively with the Task Force, the BRA, and residents of the community".
There are also suggestions of things that might happen like, "which, in the future and in conjunction with approvals from the Department of Conservation and Recreation, could include a pedestrian crossing of Soldiers Field Road." Apparently Harvard and the MBTA are still considering "the possible consolidation of some MBTA bus stops" but haven't been able to figure out the details yet even though this has been discussed since at least December 2006 in the Boston Environment Dept. comments on the Science Complex PNF.
We learn that the Science Complex community benefits "include funding an upgrade to Portsmouth Park" which is presumably the upgrade that was just completed this fall.
The BRA did not include the schedule for public realm improvements, but it sounds pretty vague and like they don't want us to expect much to happen in the near future. The timetable is divided into 3 categories:
- improvements that are currently underway or will start in the near future
- improvements that Harvard will complete on or before the opening of the Science Complex in approximately 2011
- improvements that Harvard will begin planning/designing before the opening of the Science Complex, but will complete after the opening of the Science Complex.
Now that we know more about what Harvard and the BRA think are appropriate benefits, stay tuned for the community's ideas as compiled by the ABNNF which will be published shortly.
A Mayor from Brighton?
6) Peter Meade (61) Executive Vice-President, Blue Cross Blue Shield Of Massachusetts, Brighton
11) Steve Tolman (53) State Senator, Brighton
12) Joe Kennedy (55) Chairman, Citizens Energy, Brighton
18) William Galvin (57) Secretary Of State, Brighton
37) Kevin Honan (49) State Representative, Brighton
38) Michael Moran (36) State Representative, Brighton
Hopefully The Phoenix's news room is more up-to-date than their photo archives. | ![]() | ![]() |
The Phoenix | |
When the Big Get Bigger
This is a great 10 minute video of a panel discussion from The Municipal Art Society and the Rockefeller Foundation exhibit on "Jane Jacobs and the Future of New York"
Judith Rodin explains 4 reasons why UPenn played a critical role in Philadelphia:
- Universities are engines of economic development and have the capacity to stimulate the economy in a way that has the potential to be a "win-win"
- Many urban universities have played a role in the destruction of the neighborhoods around them
- Universities have great capacity (faculty, students) to be partners with communities and yet universities are often the 4,000 pound gorilla exercising their interests in a way that is not always neighborhood-friendly.
- If we are training our students to be the leaders of the future we need to teach them to be great citizens.
Presidents from NYU and Columbia, James Traub from the New York Times ("universities have deeper obligations and we should hold them to a higher standard when it comes to issues like relationships with the surrounding community"), and others talk about the role of universities and their expansion. One questioner strongly challenges Columbia's Lee Bollinger.
YouTube - When the Big Get Bigger: NY's Universities & Their Neighbors
Front page coverage of BC's new plan
Alex Selvig | Mark Ciommo | Rosie Hanlon |
"What's going to happen is that Allston-Brighton is going to turn into a college campus," said Alex Selvig, who lives beside the archdiocese property on Lake Street. Selvig said the college's filing with Boston officials would galvanize neighborhood opposition."Now that we have a official plan, we can start fighting it officially," he said. | Recently elected City Councilor Mark Ciommo, who represents the Allston-Brighton district near Boston College, said in a statement that "our community is being squeezed by institutional expansion" and urged the college to heed community concerns during the review process. | Rosie Hanlon, a member of the Boston College task force that has been reviewing the plan, said she and other neighbors are pleased that students will move back on campus, but never expected the campus might move so close to their homes. "We have to be careful what we wish for," she said. |
$1.6 billion plan calls for grand expansion at Boston College - The Boston Globe
Harvard Crimson editorial on Charlesview
The Harvard Crimson :: Opinion :: A Good Deal
Measuring building heights with Microsoft Virtual Earth
One of the neat features of this website is the green marker that follows your cursor and reports the height of the larger buildings. In the 3D Aerial mode, the height of the location under your cursor is shown in the lower right corner (AGL = Above Ground Level).
Learning more about the Charlesview proposal from the Boston Globe
"CBT architects of Boston will design the buildings, the tallest of which - closest to the river - is tentatively slated to be 10 floors. Others will range from four to six stories."
On the subject of building height, page 28 of the North Allston Strategic Framework says:
So on both sides of the Western Ave it sounds like Charlesview, Harvard, and the BRA have decided that the "envisioned" and "assumed maximum" heights can be exceeded. The NASFP goal to "acknowledge the need for careful transitions in scale, vehicular circulation, and design between existing residential neighborhoods and new development" also seems in jeopardy."The Framework addresses height and massing of new buildings to ensure in general the preservation of the traditional character of residential neighborhoods while allowing the kind of significant new development that will bring substantial benefits to North Allston.
Thus, west of North Harvard Street the Framework envisions heights of up to 35' on the southern side of Western Avenue and a mix ofheights on the north side, with further community review of buildings with heights over 45-55' (with an assumed maximum height of 95') and an expectation that these taller buildings would offer substantial public benefits such as additional affordable housing and public space."
I have no problem with the concept of new housing for Charlesview. The problem is that:
The project seems to have been fully designed without any input from people who live on Litchfield, Holton, and other nearby streets and would be greatly affected by it.
There has been consistent questioning at Harvard Allston Task Force meetings about the fate of this "special study". Here is one relevant excerpt from meeting minutes:
Well, now there is certainly something to react to!"Harry Mattison raised the topic of special study areas that were mentioned in the NANSP but never done and asked whether the Task Force wanted to pursue the study areas, particularly the Holton St. study. Gerald suggested that he was open to the Task Force’s ideas about what to incorporate into the Holton St. study that would be useful to the Task Force. Ray suggested that until there was something to react to, it didn’t seem fruitful to pursue completing the studies."
Sen. Tolman sponsoring "Connect to Health" in A/B
The “Connect to Health” enrollment event will be held Wednesday, Dec. 5, from 4-7:30 p.m. at the Kells, 161 Brighton Ave,. Allston.
The Joseph M. Smith Community Health Center, Caritas St. Elizabeth’s Medical Center and the Boston Public Health Commission’s Mayor’s Health Line will also be co-sponsors, and they will send local enrollment experts to participate in the event.
Adults who do not have health insurance this year will lose their personal exemption worth $219 when they file their next state tax return. Penalties will be significantly higher beginning Jan. 1.
Detailed information on the new health plans is also available on the Health Connector’s website,, or by calling 1-877-MA-ENROLL.
Charlesview not wasting any time (or spending any time talking to the rest of the community) before getting their proposal to the BRA
From - The Community Builders, Inc. works in collaboration with neighborhood groups, residents, public and private agencies, and philanthropic interests. Becoming a long-term stakeholder in the neighborhood, we create effective local implementation teams that combine neighborhood understanding, technical skills, and managerial ability.
OK - Let's see that neighborhood understanding and collaboration with the public! Allston and Brighton are ready!
Charlesview & Havard sign purchase and sale agreement
Charlesview Inc., the non-profit owner of Charlesview Apartments in Allston, and Harvard University have signed a purchase and sale agreement for the Charlesview property at the intersection of North Harvard Street and Western Avenue. When this transaction is completed, it will enable Charlesview Inc. to construct a new apartment complex for its residents on property currently owned by Harvard located a half-mile from the current complex and allow Harvard to use the existing Charlesview site as part of the new campus.
The signing of the purchase and sale is an important step in the overall process required to finalize this transaction. While there are additional steps to follow, such as Charlesview filing their development proposal for the new apartment complex with the Boston Redevelopment Authority (BRA), this is another important step for Charlesview, Harvard and the City of Boston. Finalization of the agreement would enable Charlesview Inc. to build a new apartment complex that would maintain the existing 213 affordable units on one site and accommodate a new mixed-income program for working families in Allston -Brighton. We are pleased that this land exchange agreement would enable the Charlesview Apartments to remain an essential affordable housing resource for the Allston-Brighton community for generations to come.
The new Charlesview site incorporates a portion of the Brighton Mills Shopping Center, as well as a parcel on the north side of Western Avenue, with frontage on Soldiers Field Road and the Charles River adjacent to the Telford Street pedestrian bridge. The current Charlesview land at North Harvard Street and Western Avenue (known as Barry’s Corner) would become part of Harvard’s future campus in Allston. As you know, Harvard is currently considering possible academic uses of this site as part of its master planning process.
Beyond campus borders
Robert Forrant, a professor at UMass-Lowell, writes in Beyond campus borders that, "engaged colleges and universities can play a catalytic and sustained role in social and economic development beyond simply the theoretical when their on- and off-campus efforts are guided by a reflective institutionwide and communitywide discourse."
He also mentions three national organizations that focus on community/campus issues:
- The New England Resource Center for Higher Education, whose projects include one focusing on the role of colleges and universities in economic development
- Campus Compact - a national coalition of more than 1,100 college and university presidents dedicated to promoting community service, civic engagement, and service-learning in higher education
- The Clearinghouse for the Scholarship of Engagement with resources including a link to the University of Pennsylvania's Center for Community Partnerships
A/B Tab story about Monday's Harvard Task Force meeting
"Tensions mounted at the most recent Harvard-Allston Task Force meeting this week, with residents demanding to be heard as the deadline for the school and city to reach a community benefits agreement looms."
BU Daily Free Press coverage of last night's Task Force meeting
Some attendees, including task force member Brent Whelan, argued meeting chairman Ray Mellone restricted discussion of community benefits too much and kept it off the meeting's agenda.
"This agenda is [wrongfully] a closed item that belongs to you, and you alone," Whelan said to Mellone during the meeting at the Honan-Allston Branch Library.
After receiving applause from the packed meeting room, Whelan passed out a list of benefits he said should be discussed, prompting several people to call for a greater community voice in planning.
Rep. Michael Moran (D-Boston) said the problem is "a trust issue" between the Allston-Brighton community and Harvard.
The Harvard Crimson reports on last night's Harvard Allston Task Force meeting
"Members of the Allston neighborhood last night offered up a cacophony of shouts insisting that their voices be heard in the debate over what benefits Harvard should provide to the community as it plans its expansion across the Charles River.
At a meeting of the Harvard Allston Task Force last night, Allston residents said they were no longer content with waiting as the deadline for the legally binding plan for community benefits to be implemented by Harvard over the next decade reaches its year-end deadline.
“Lots of people in the community have thought about the benefits questions but have not had the chance to voice those concerns in this forum,” said task force member Brent Whelan. “I’m wondering when in this meeting will the 50 or so neighbors present...have time to represent their opinions?”"
TAB gives a 'thumbs up' to the ABNNF
"Getting neighbor’s voices heard. On first glance, the formation of yet another organized group of neighbors who are frustrated by institutional expansion in Allston and Brighton seems excessive. So many have popped up over the past year.
The Allston-Brighton North Neighbors Forum, however, seems different.
At a recent Harvard-Allston meeting neighbors expressed frustration at not being able to talk during meetings, and were advised by Gerald Autler of the Boston Redevelopment Authority to take their concerns to task force members who would, in turn, bring them to Harvard and the city. The ABNNF is a logical response to that. As task force member Brent Whalen put it, the group is a great forum for neighbors to talk, organize their concerns and ideas and then pass them on to the task force. It’s unclear if the group will get the community benefits it’s asking for from Harvard but the group is a good mechanism for neighbors to get their voices heard."
St. E's dominates Business section in today's Globe
H2O Applied Technologies is a local company that helps companies reduce waste and increase efficiency in their use of water, electricity, and other resources. "At St. Elizabeth's Medical Center in Brighton, one of the first to use H2O's save now, pay later model, officials estimate they've cut total energy and utility costs by at least $500,000 a year."
Six Mass. hospitals lauded for quality, cost efficiency
St. E's is one of 6 Massachusetts hospitals and one of 49 in the country to receive the 2007 Premier CareScience Select Practice National Quality Awards.
Film industry booming in Allston/Brighton
The Globe story looks at some of the movie related businesses located along the Mass Pike on Braintree Street in Allston, including the creators of Boston.TV which describes itself as "Boston’s premiere online video entertainment network seeking to both inform and entertain through unique and compelling video content".
Film industry is at home in Allston - The Boston Globe
Let’s Go to the Movies! Radio Boston
Fighting development in Copley Square
Writes Steve Bailey in Trouble in paradise:
"Boston Properties wants to build an ugly 30-story apartment building at the Prudential Center that will block the views and cast shadows over their ugly 18-story Trinity Place. The urban millionaires are beside themselves.
"To approve their project as is would be nothing short of criminal to those of us who live in this neighborhood," William F. Thompson, a founder of Boston Ventures, fumed in a letter to the Boston Redevelopment Authority.
And on and on. The Trinity millionaires have launched a letter-writing campaign in hopes of blocking Boston Properties' proposed 200-unit apartment building on Exeter Street over the Prudential garage and just beside the Lenox Hotel. They worry about traffic. They worry about shadows and wind. They worry about their property values. They worry about the character of their neighborhood.
Tom Menino never met a big building he didn't like. The mayor's reasoning is straightforward enough: Big buildings pay more taxes than small buildings. Menino has spent years systematically killing the character that makes Boston so special by planting big, ugly buildings everywhere."
A definition of "transparency"
I had never heard of the group Transparency International before reading this letter in today's Globe. Considering the super-secret back-room dealing that has lead to the BRA-Harvard agreement on community benefits for Harvard's Science Complex, it is worth considering this definition.
Not only are the basic facts and figures of the Harvard-BRA agreement far from clear, the mechanisms and processes that led to the agreement are even more of a mystery."Transparency" can be defined as a principle that allows those affected by administrative decisions, business transactions or charitable work to know not only the basic facts and figures but also the mechanisms and processes. It is the duty of civil servants, managers and trustees to act visibly, predictably and understandably.
Town-Gown Triumph in Worcester

Clark University is the worthy subject of this article in today's Globe focusing on its University Park Partnership. Here are some of the things Clark is doing:
University Park Campus School - Founded in 1997, UPCS is one of the top-ranked urban high schools in the country with 231 students in grades 7-12. " UPCS Students and teachers are on Clark’s campus nearly every day, not only using the labs or the gym but also observing and interacting with Clark students and faculty. UPCS students take mini-seminars with college faculty in grades 7 to 10, and most enroll in college classes for credit during their junior and senior years."
University Park Partnership Scholarships - Free tuition to any eligible resident of Worcester who has lived in the University Park neighborhood for at least five years prior to enrolling at Clark
Home-buying incentives for faculty and staff - Faculty and staff who buy a home in the Main South neighborhood of Worcester receive a $5,000 interest-free loan, which is reduced by $1,000 each year they live there. They also receive a 12 percent salary bonus annually for the first seven years they live there, with a $4,000 yearly maximum.
Even people at Harvard recognize the value of what Clark is doing - "It's an extraordinary success story," said Paul Reville, a Harvard University education policy researcher who is chairman of the Massachusetts Board of Education. "These are students who have not traditionally done well in the public school system, and here they are all going on to college. There's a steady stream of people wanting to see how the school has done what it's done."
At last week's Harvard Allston Task Force meeting, the Harvard employees kept very quiet during Michael Contompasis's discussion about a deep partnership with Harvard and the formation of a university-assisted community school. Maybe a trip to Worcester would help.
Clark University | Harvard University | |
Endowment | $204.2 million | $34.9 billion |
Year Founded | 1887 | 1636 |
Faculty | 172 | 2,497 |
Students | 2,797 | 20,042 |
Sources: &
MIT's past landbanking compared with Harvard's Allston/Brighton tactics
Charles River White Geese Blog: Developer type claims to have lost 30 acres of wasteland which existed for up to 30 years in Cambridgeport.
ABNNF meets Tuesday from 6-8 - Help us improve our community's future!
The community benefits that accompany Harvard's Science Complex can make a major positive impact on our neighborhood. Or the benefits might have little lasting effect and set a poor precedent for the decades of construction that Harvard will be doing here. To get the result that we deserve, the community's voice must be loud, clear, and taken seriously. So far, all we have is a proposal from Harvard that many people consider vague and inadequate.
Please join us as we organize and join together to put the "community" in "community benefits".
You can join our email group and see what people are talking about at
Brighton items at Nov 27 Landmarks meeting
4:30 p.m. - 1700 Commonwealth Ave - Install awning over storefront
4:45 p.m. - 1954 Commonwealth Ave - Proposal to mitigate inappropriate landscape removals and window replacements
What can Harvard learn from the University of Cincinnati?

What can Harvard learn from the University of Cincinnati's bold building boom? - The Boston Globe
"Harvard in Allston should possess some of the charge of urban energy you get at Cincinnati, the kind of feeling I've always associated with big-city schools like New York University. But it doesn't have to look like a world's fair of self-expression by individual architects."