Proposed demolition of "Jim Did It" Sign Company building in Union Sq

At the Boston Landmarks Commission hearing on Tuesday, September 25 in room 900 of City Hall there will be a hearing about the proposed demolition of 465-475 Cambridge St.

The meeting starts at 5:30 and this case is scheduled for 6:30. A demolition delay hearing is required to discuss alternatives to demolition for any building in Boston more than 50 years old. For more information call 617-635-3850.


  1. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Any ideas about what's going to go there in it's place? They're excavating pretty deep currently.

  2. I think it is going to be a Walgreens

  3. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Has the business moved or have they closed? I am seeking information about the work history of a former employee, my grandfather.goisgin

  4. The building was demolished several months ago. I don't know anything about the status of the sign company. Sorry.
